Monday, 27 April 2020

Kanta Allaria appeals people in Haryana to help the poor


Kanta  Allaria  demands regular check-up of Corona warriors

ChandigarhState Chairperson of Mission Ekta Samiti, Ms Kanta  Allaria has appealed to all capable people of Haryana to come forward in such a difficult time of lockdown and help the needy with ration, masks, sanitizers and medicines. She also appealed to the Haryana government to provide free ration to the poor and needy.


Ms Kanta Allaria  said that the Corona virus does not differentiate between poor and rich or between caste or religion. This virus can affect anyone anytime. Therefore, people need to maintain social distance at such a crucial time, stay at home to break the Corona chain.


The State President of the Mission Ekta Samiti said that pink ration card holders are not getting free ration, while the government was talking about issuing green card.


She said that NGOs were doing a great job in the state by helping the poor and needy, while there was scope for improvement in government agencies. Farmers are facing problems at many levels in the state and need attention.


She claimed that her NGO was distributing free ration to 1100 people daily in the villages, colonies and localities in Rohtak district. She also announced a helpline number (9812037550) where people in crisis could call to intimate about their problems.


She also demanded regular checks for police, journalists and sweepers,  who are the frontline warriors in the case of Covid19. She demanded to increase the insurance cover of journalists from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 50 lakh.

ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब द्वारा मीडिया कोरोना योद्धाओं को पीपीई किट देना सराहनीय कदम - अध्यक्ष हरियाणा विधानसभा

चंडीगढ़/पंचकूला --लोगों को कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण से बचने के लिए एक तरफ जहां डॉक्टर्स, पुलिस विभाग सफाई कर्मचारी रात दिन काम करके जहां इस जंग को जीतने के लिए प्रयासरत हैं वही ऐसे में लोगों तक सही जानकारी पहुंचाने के लिए मीडिया भी अहम भूमिका निभा रही है इन दिनों मीडिया कर्मी  भी एक कोरोना योद्धा के रूप में कार्य कर रहे हैं फील्ड मैं जाकर दिन  रात न्यूज़ कवर करने वाले मीडिया कर्मियों पर हमेशा अदृश्य कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण  होने का भय सताता रहता है , क्षेत्र में रिपोर्टिंग कर रहे मीडिया कर्मी को सुरक्षा प्रदान करने के उद्देश्य से ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब ने मीडिया कर्मियों को पीपीई किट बाट कर , मीडिया कर्मियों को एक सुरक्षा कवच देने का प्रयास किया है , ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब के चेयरमैन विक्रांत बाबा ने बताया कि पीपीई किट वितरण का शुभारंभ हरियाणा विधानसभा अध्यक्ष ज्ञान चंद गुप्ता द्वारा किया गया , क्लब के अध्यक्ष डॉक्टर स्वास्तिक शर्मा व संगठन सचिव हरदीप सिंह ने बताया कि इस मौके पर लगभग 50 पीपीई  किट बाटी गई है ,जो  मीडिया कर्मी फील्ड में कार्यरत है ,  उन्होंने बताया कि पीपीई किट  वितरण का शुभारंभ हरियाणा विधानसभा अध्यक्ष ज्ञान चंद गुप्ता द्वारा शुरू करवा कर बाकी पत्रकारों को किट क्लब की तरफ से उनके निवास स्थान पर ही दी गई ताकि सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग का चक्र ना टूटे , और लॉकडाऊन का पालन पूरी तरह से किया जा सके ,  ज्ञान चंद गुप्ता ने कहा कि ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब ने सबसे पहले  अपने कोरोना योद्धा मीडिया कर्मियों की सुरक्षा हेतु पीपीई किट बांट कर सराहनीय कार्य  किया है , उन्होंने प्रशंसा करते  हुए  कहा कि ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब समय-समय पर मीडिया कर्मियों की समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए अच्छे  कार्य करते रहते हैं। हरियाणा विधानसभा अध्यक्ष ज्ञानचंद गुप्ता ने ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब की भरपूर प्रशंसा की । इस मौके पर
क्लब के अध्यक्ष डॉक्टर  स्वास्तिक शर्मा ने कहा कि सभी मीडिया कर्मी हमारे परिवार का एक हिस्सा है, और अपने परिवार की सुरक्षा करना हमारा कर्तव्य है , क्लब के सलाहकार संजीव हरी शर्मा ,संगठन सचिव हरदीप सिंह व सर्वजीत सिंह ने कहा कि मौके पर चंद्रपाल राणा ,शिव कुमार वर्मा ,  अच्छेलाल  , मनोज शर्मा  , राहुल तिवारी, हरदीप सिंह  , सर्वजीत सिंह  को पीपीई किट वितरित की गई ,  इनके अलावा बृजेश शर्मा ,  मोनिका शर्मा , डॉ विनोद शर्मा  , श्री कांत , राणा ओबराय ,  कुलवीर दीवान , अजीत कौशल व अनील , तारा ठाकुर,  कुलवान सिंह  , प्रदीप , सवरपाल  ,राजीव  , विशाल ऐंगरीश , , विजय बराड़ , यशपाल रावत ,  वैशाली चौधरी  ,सुखविंदर सिंह,  डीएन सिंह , हरकेश ऐरी ,के मेहता, पवन राणा वह अन्य को सुरक्षा हेतु पीपीई किट दी गई हैं । और आगे फिर भी  फील्ड में कार्यरत मिडिया कर्मियों को शीघ्र ही ओर पीपीई किट्स वितरित की जाएंगी।  इस अवसर पर ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब ने एक नारा दिया  भारत जगाओ कोरोना भगाओ।

 photos - ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब द्वारा मीडिया कोरोना योद्धाओं को पीपीई किट  वितरण का शुभारंभ हरियाणा विधानसभा अध्यक्ष ज्ञान चंद गुप्ता द्वारा शुरू

This is for all the Doctors who are risking their lives to save the lives of others..I never saw God but I saw a doctor...salute to all the doctors for their hard are angels sent from heaven... -Mishika Goel

Meet Mishika Goel, an amazing brilliant artistic child with a difference who thought to give all her fine paintings to COVID patients and Doctors.

Mishika, a bright student of Class 8th of Carmel Convent School, uses her time to give something back to society. She made several paintings for PGI Doctors who are servicing in COVID Sections and Patients who are suffering. Her paintings are having several solaceful messages for the patients and these are so beautiful that everyone would love to cloak it on the walls of their homes.

Dr. Vipin Koushal, NHE-COVID Head for PGIMER says that it feels so good to see the efforts and feelings of the child for doctors and patients in this crisis. The paintings are so good that we decided to present it to every patient at the time of discharge.

Ankush Goel, Father, says that I am blessed to have such an artistic child in my family. She is truly an inspiration to all of us. Her style of managing her routine is exemplary for many of us in the family as she manages her studies and passion so professionally that sometimes it amazes me as a father.

NUFAB launches Nonwoven fabric for front-line warriors; to reduce the infection risk considerably

NUFAB Technical Textiles Pvt. Ltd., a start-up based  out of Ambala has developed a unique non-woven fabric, which will significantly reduce infection risk to frontline medical workers, who are facing heightened risk amid the Covid pandemic.

The newly developed fabric is soft, comfortable, light weight, impregnable, permeable and above all breathable, which will help frontline medical workers immensely by reducing the infection risk upto 90%.

The value-added fabric is certified and approved by DRDO and is extremely useful in making  Coveralls Gowns - personal protection equipments used by our Health Warriors.

Commenting on the launch of nonwoven fabric, Mr. Salil Goyal, Director of NUFAB said, "Our new offering is a specialised product and is certified from DRDO. Besides being lightweight, the fabric is breathable and thus, reduces chances of infection substantially. The product is our way of acknowledging the immense contribution of health warriors. We salute them for their efforts day in and day out."

"The other benefit is that it is recyclable and eco-friendly," he added.

Nonwoven Fabric can be termed as a miracle fabric. The fabric made without warp and weft weaving and knitting is called nonwoven fabric. It is commonly used for making surgical masks, gowns, sanitary pads, diapers, etc.

Apart from being used in hygiene products, nonwoven fabric is also used in Automotive, Agriculture, Packaging applications etc.

Founded by Mr. Salil along with other directors Mr. Rishabh Bansal and Mr. Sanjay Modi, the Company specialises in producing technical textile and is rapidly augmenting its product portfolio. With joint ventures in place and gunning for foreign investments NUFAB is leading the path to put India on the world map for technical textiles and nonwovens. 

Sunday, 26 April 2020

La Trobe University, Australia supports its students by offeringAUD 12 Million (INR 60 Crores)


Chandigargh : La Trobe University a multi-campus university in Victoria, Australiahas distributed AUD 12 Million (INR 60 Crores) to supports its students in  the current Covid-19 emergency.  This is in addition to La Trobe’s normal scholarships and support.   To ensure students have the maximum opportunity to start their study in 2020 La Trobe has also introduced more flexible online study options for prospective students and created additional start dates. 


Initiatives taken by LTU during Global Crisis

Ø  Upsurge in course Intakes for students

Ø  New Scholarships i.e. upto 30% of the entire tuition fees of the program

Ø  Financial Aid provided to students

COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on educational delivery, and the wider impact remains uncertain. According toVice-Chancellor and President of La Trobe University Professor John Dewar AOthe University’s main priority has been to provide quality education while ensuring the wellbeing of itsstudents, staff and partners.


La Trobe was amongst the first Australian universities to ‘pause’ teaching activities to ensure that the right decisions were made on how to best deliver quality education. The first step was to migrate courses and Student Services online where student can continue their studies by attending classes online with similar support from academic and engagements with academics and fellow students.


To further support our students, La Trobe has taken many initiatives:


More intakes/ course start date options launched for students to initiate their courses online without delaying their plans


La Trobe has introduced Terms alongside our Semesters. Each term is six weeks in length, which provides three possible start dates for students in the second half of 2020.  This means that students can start their study doing two subjects in a six-week term, offering the most flexibility for students who need to start later or take fewer subjects in each teaching period. This also provides the best chance for smooth entry to university study, helping students to remain on track to complete their degree on time. Courses in Business, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Public Health and Biotechnology will be offered online in terms this year. The University has as its absolute priority the health and safety of our students, and so our courses and most subjects will continue to be delivered online until the University is allowed to resume face to face delivery. Subjects available fully online will continue to be delivered online until the end of the relevant term.  In addition, we have introduced a flexible refund policy to support recruitment of students enrolling in online subjects, including full refunds for withdrawals before Census Date. 


New Scholarships launched by the University

In order to support students, La Trobe has launched a new suite of scholarships and expanded eligibility criteria for existing scholarships. These scholarships have been confirmed for the upcoming intakes including for students commencing online. These scholarships are up to 30% of the entire tuition fee of the program. Add link

Ola partners with Government of Punjab; Launches ‘Ola Emergency’ in five cities across Punjab for essential medical

 Chandigarh : Ola, India’s leading mobility platform and one of the world’s largest ride hailing companies, has announced the launch of ‘Ola Emergency’ on its app in collaboration with the Government of Punjab. The new category provides a much-needed mobility solution to citizens who are unable to access a hospital in case of medical emergencies. Starting today, the service will be available in Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Patiala, Mohali and Amritsar for medical travel that do not require an ambulance.

Citizens across these cities can seamlessly book a cab by selecting the “Ola Emergency” category and picking the drop location from the list of available hospitals. A dedicated network of cars that are equipped with masks and sanitizers have been earmarked to provide the service, and will be operated by specially trained drivers. Ola has enabled 39 hospitals in Jalandhar, 23 hospitals in Ludhiana, 24 hospitals in Patiala and 18 and 44 hospitals in Mohali and Amritsar, respectively, on its app to provide the service and ensure that trips are only made from homes to hospitals and vice-versa.

Speaking on the initiative,Shri KAP Sinha, Principal Secretary Food, Civil supplies and Consumer Affairs, Punjab said "We appreciate Ola’s initiative to facilitate emergency transportation in Punjab for medical trips and emergencies visits to hospitals. The service will also be utilized for transferring patients from one hospital to another. We have to come together to fight against this pandemic and keep ourselves safe.

Speaking on ‘Ola Emergency’ services, Anand Subramanian, Spokesperson and Head of Communications, Ola, said, We are thankful to the Government of Punjab for giving us another opportunity to collaborate and serve the people in these challenging times. With over 150 hospitals mapped across Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Patiala, Mohali and Amritsar,'Ola Emergency' will be a convenient and safe transport solution for thousands of citizens who need to visit hospitals for medical emergencies.”

He further added, “All drivers on the network are trained to follow proper hygiene measures, including wearing masks and having hand sanitizers in the cars. The service will provide relief for citizens with scheduled medical trips such as check-ups, dialysis, chemotherapy as well as immediate needs such as non-COVID illness or physical injuries, amongst others."

In a recent collaboration with the State Government, Ola partnered with the Punjab Mandi Board with a platform to effectively track and manage over 17 lakh farmers’ produce and their vehicle movement into Mandis in Punjab through the Ola CONNECT initiative. Ola continues to work with various State Governments and authorities to provide hassle-free mobility solutions for essential travel. ‘Ola Emergency’ is now available across major Indian cities including Bangalore, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Vizag, and Nashik, among others and will be introduced in more cities over the coming days. Customers will be charged a nominal fare to compensate driver-partners for their services.

Friday, 24 April 2020

At 88, she is on mission to stitch masks for poor

Mohali, April 24: She might be aged but her dedication is nothing less than a gritty warrior who is on a mission to serve poor in this crisis situation by stitching masks for them.

Wife of an army personnel and mother of 3 doctors, mother-in-law of another 3 and grandmother of one doctor , Mohali phase-1 resident, Bhupinder Kaur Bedi (88) was quite worried to know that doctors and healthcare workers were facing shortage of masks after its panicky buying.  

Once she saw a sample of a mask, she realized that it was a simple task for her to stitch it .  She got some pieces of cotton which she had got recently for her dress and started stitching masks at her home.  Being unable to get new cloth as the shops are closed, she uses some old cloth pieces and some of her children’s cotton clothes also.

Still very good in sewing she uses an old sewing machine that she got as a marriage gift.

After her morning chores, she and her daughter-in-law who is senior paediatric surgeon make around 100 masks in a day.

Initially she gave the masks to her son, Dr HS Bedi who is a senior cardiac surgeon at Ivy Hospital to distribute at hospital. Later when shortage was sorted out by the government, she started giving masks to poor people who would come to the nearby Gurudwara for langar and to local needy residents besides safai workers, gas delivery drivers, vegetable and milk  vendors.

She also keep on encouraging her doctors kins’, who are actively involved in the anti- Covid programme at their respective working places.

We had seen partition and wars where we survived bombings and air raids and we shall overcome this crisis also, she opines.

Chitkara University excels in "Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings 2020"

Only university from North India to get featured in the highly prestigious list

24 Apr 2020

Chitkara University has excelled in the highly prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings 2020. It is the only university from North India to get featured in top list in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2020 with an overall rank of 401-600.

The University participated in 8 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations and scored well in all the SDGs which is as good as the scores of all mainstream IITs and other Indian Universities.

Chitkara University, Punjab has been able to make 59th rank globally in SDG-07: Affordable & Clean energy. The university has been ranked 101-200 in SDG5: Gender equality, 201-300 in SDG09: Industry, Innovation and infrastructure and SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities for development for making progress in ‘social impact’ aligned with the UN’s sustainable development goals.

University took a leap in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations -- “Affordable & Clean Energy”  getting ranked 59th world over which is a remarkable achievement for a young University like ours. “We are delighted to know that our commitment to, and achievement in, providing quality education are widely recognised by the international academia,” Chitkara University Pro-Chancellor Dr.Madhu Chitkara said as she welcomed the results. “As a leading Indian University, Chitkara University places the provision of quality education as its primary mission and one of its core values, and all our faculty work hard to advance our goal of offering excellent and unique learning experience to our students.”

She added that the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking results echo the University’s academic excellence as revealed by consistent performance by Chitkara University in NIRF (The National Institutional Ranking Framework) and other University rankings where our students have always appreciated quality and value which they have gained from their teaching and learning experience and also their satisfaction with their overall learning environment.

This is the first time Chitkara University has taken part in THE University Impact Rankings, submitting 8 SDGs for assessment. “Thanks to the excellent work and continuous efforts of the University community, the overall results are spectacularly impressive. We shall continue to nurture future leaders through the finest teaching and learning, and to better serve the community by conducting impactful research and providing meaningful services, thus making further contributions to Indian academic landscape,” concluded Pro-Chancellor Dr. Madhu Chitkara

ICCPL, announces to hire PR exec losing job due to Corona effect

Chandigarh: Amidst growing news of companies laying off and deducting salaries of the employees, Integrated Centre For Consultancy Pvt. ltd. (ICCPL), the Delhi based PR firm has announced that it will hire competent PR professionals who lost their jobs during lockdown situation. The company also has plans to expand post Covid-19 lockdown. The consulting firm has presence in over 17 cities across India and plans to open 5 more cities in FY 19-20.


Company said that the interviews for such people will be conducted online and on meeting the company requirements the joining letter will be offered immediately. Recently, the company emerged as largest service provider for real estate sector in the country. The agency as group services over 60+ real estate accounts as retainer today apart from other sector clients from automobile, education and start ups. 

Announcing the decision, Dushyant Sinha, Founder Director, ICCPL Group of Companies, said, “We fully understand the current situation and want to help the economy grow. This is the reason that we have decided to help people who have been fired from a PR company. Apart from this hiring we will go in for a hiring spree once the lockdown is over according to our expansion plans.”


The agency which started its operations in 2011 with its headquarters in Noida has serviced over 150 plus accounts and has been able to retain most of them. The PR firm today is present in over 17 cities with offices in Noida, Delhi, Gurgaon, Chandigarh, Lucknow and Mumbai. The agency is looking forward to expand its domain in the international markets and is eyeing expansion in Middle East, Singapore and UK. Sinha adds, “We have put in a lot of efforts in last 7-8 years to be considered as the best PR agency for real estate sector in India. It’s the result of our dedication, hard work and never say-no attitude which has helped retained most of our clients. Infact the 1st account which we bagged 8.5 years ago is still with us which itself speaks volume about our team and skills”

Friday, 17 April 2020

International Journalism Centre is Proud of Journalists For Their Role In Pandemic.

Chandigarh : International Journalism Centre extends heartiest thanks to all the Journalists in India and all other countries of the World, who all have contributed immensely to the coverage of Covid 19 putting their lives to risk. It shows their sincere efforts and love & dedication towards Journalism- Three Cheers,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Journalism Centre was created in the year 2007 when few known journalists from different countries decided to promote positive and constructive journalism in the World under the leadership of media guru Sandeep Marwah at Marwah Studios.Few aims and objectives were placed on order including to start a community radio station, a community television station, a news paper to give news on art and culture, to enroll journalist associations as its members, to look into the interest   and needs of journalists and good journalism. It also aims to educate & promote young aspirants in the profession of journalism. Later it was decided to have the most exclusive Festival of Journalism to talk to the World about journalistic activities- and Global Festival of Journalism Noida was established in 2013“The biggest contribution of International Journalism Centre is to declare 12th February as the International Day of Journalism. Though it started in a very simple way but now the whole world has started celebrating this date as the auspicious International Day of Journalism,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of IJC. IJC also started supporting media education in AAFT- Asian Academy of Film And Television as well as ASMS- Asian School of Media since its inception, now the biggest school of journalism in India. IJC backed up the first radio Station of Noida city- Radio Noida 107.4FM and now its been 11 years radio is now a World radio. A television station called MSTV was also launched from Marwah Studios at the same time.International Journalism Centre is been busy in conducting workshops, seminars discussions and talks on the various current affairs and subjects of national & international interest.

International Journalism Centre is Proud of Journalists For Their Role In Pandemic.

Dehradun : International Journalism Centre extends heartiest thanks to all the Journalists in India and all other countries of the World, who all have contributed immensely to the coverage of Covid 19 putting their lives to risk. It shows their sincere efforts and love & dedication towards Journalism- Three Cheers,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Journalism Centre was created in the year 2007 when few known journalists from different countries decided to promote positive and constructive journalism in the World under the leadership of media guru Sandeep Marwah at Marwah Studios.Few aims and objectives were placed on order including to start a community radio station, a community television station, a news paper to give news on art and culture, to enroll journalist associations as its members, to look into the interest   and needs of journalists and good journalism. It also aims to educate & promote young aspirants in the profession of journalism. Later it was decided to have the most exclusive Festival of Journalism to talk to the World about journalistic activities- and Global Festival of Journalism Noida was established in 2013“The biggest contribution of International Journalism Centre is to declare 12th February as the International Day of Journalism. Though it started in a very simple way but now the whole world has started celebrating this date as the auspicious International Day of Journalism,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of IJC. IJC also started supporting media education in AAFT- Asian Academy of Film And Television as well as ASMS- Asian School of Media since its inception, now the biggest school of journalism in India.

Monday, 13 April 2020

More than half the luxury homes launched in the past 3 years remain unsold: report

(Launches on downwards trajectory)

New Delhi, 7th April 2020: Demand for luxury homes remains muted in India’s nine prime residential markets as more than half of such units launched in the past three years in these markets remain unsold, data available with shows.

Numbers available with the Elara Technologies-owned real estate portal, that also owns &, shows that a total of 1,131 housing units, priced over Rs 7 crore, were launched during the three year period between December 2016 and December 2019. Of these, 577 units or 51% remained unsold as of January 2020. Similarly, a total of 3,656 units, priced between Rs 5 crore and Rs 7 crore, were launched in these markets in the past three years. Nearly 55% of this stock remains unsold. Additionally, a total of 8,503 units, priced between Rs 3 crore and Rs 5 crore, were launched in these markets during this period, of which 56% stock remains unsold, data show.

Luxury awaits 

Price bracket

Unsold inventory in 9 markets as of March 2020

Rs 1-3 cr

51,997 units

Rs 3-5 cr

4,762 units

Rs 5-7 cr

2,025 units

Above Rs 7 cr

577 units



In terms of absolute numbers, the financial capital of India, Mumbai, has the highest number of unsold luxury units (30,015), followed by India’s pharmaceutical capital Hyderabad (8,554) and the Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru (5,794) in third place. 

When compared to the levels seen in 2017, unit launches in the luxury segment declined in most price brackets across the nine markets.

In the Rs 1-3 crore price bracket, for example, 29,775 units were launched in 2019 as against 29,996 units in 2018. In the Rs 5-7 crore price bracket also, only 859 units were launched last year when compared to 1,536 homes 2018. Similarly, in the over Rs 7-crore price range, only 34 units were launched across India's nine markets in 2019 as compared to 542 units in 2018. In the Rs 3-5 crore price bracket, however, launches increased, from 2,675 in 2018 to 3,092 last year. 

“Real estate in India has been under immense pressure because of an on-going demand slowdown. This has impacted the residential real estate sector across the board, including the luxury housing segment. The demand for luxury homes fell post-demonetization, and that trend has not changed much since. The on-going crisis involving the coronavirus pandemic is likely to further impact demand across the residential real estate sector in H1 FY21, including luxury housing,” says Dhruv Agarwala, Group CEO, &

Agarwala, however, expects renewed interest from NRI customers in India’s luxury housing segment in the event the fall in the value of the Indian rupee continues.

“The Indian currency recently fell beyond Rs 77 against the US dollar. This puts NRI homebuyers in an advantageous position as they would find buying luxury homes a relatively more attractive investment option than before,” further added by Agarwala.

The cities covered in the analysis are Ahmedabad (Includes Gandhinagar), Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurugram (includes Bhiwadi, Dharuhera and Sohna), Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai (includes Navi Mumbai and Thane), Pune and Noida (includes Greater Noida, Noida Extension and Yamuna Expressway).

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Haryana CM thanks DLF on twitter for contribution towards relief fund

Gurugram: In a recent tweet posted on the official twitter handle of Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, the CM thanked DLF, the realty major, for Rs 5 crore contribution to the Chief Ministers Relief Fund, Haryana. The tweet read: "Har yogdaan, dega jeewandan; Sankat ki is paristhiti mein DLF dwara 'Haryana Corona Relief Fund' mein 5 crore rupay ki raashi ka yogdaan ke liye dhanyawaad' (Every contribution will give life; we thank DLF for contribution of Rs 5 crore to 'Haryana Corona Relief Fund' during this time of crisis)

DLF Foundation has been at the forefront working with all stakeholders to help the poorest of the poor in the midst of the Corona Virus pandemic. DLF Foundation is ensuring distribution of more than 33 lakh meals to the poor in urban slums  and migrants in NCR   who are stranded , have lost their daily means of livelihood and have nowhere else to look for support.  The Foundation is working very closely with the District Administrations of Delhi , Gurugram and Noida which are helping in both identifying the most needy and distributing meals in areas where they are most required.

DLF Foundation is also providing Medical Relief and Safety Equipment  to the District administration for distribution to those in need. The Foundation has provided  75,000 face masks, 3 lakh examination gloves, full body suits and sanitizers to the district authorities in Gurgaon ,Noida and Chennai. It is regularly serving 60,000 cooked meals everyday through DLF Clubs and Akshay Patra.
A sum of Rs. 50 lacs has been donated to the Tamil Nadu State Relief Fund, Rs 10 lacs to the Chennai Kanchipuram District Relief Fund, and Rs. 5 lacs to  the Society for Cyberabad Security Council in  Hyderabad.

Clove Dental launches Tele-dentistry offering free online dentist consultations, Emergency treatments available across India

Chandigarh : During the current countrywide lockdown, many still face dental pain, bleeding and discomfort. Toothache can be quite severe, and patients need solution. India’s largest dental health chain, Clove Dental, is now offering daily free-of-cost online and tele-consultations for dental need and several clinics are open for urgent treatments. Under a fresh initiative called “e-Dentist by Clove”, doctors from Clove Dental will be available to address any questions, provide guidance, and also help determine if treatments are urgent or can be postponed (with some interim measures) until after the lockdown.


With both video or telephonic interaction options made available, the consulting appointments can be booked through Clove’s Dental Health Line Centre at 1800 1200 3232. Once the query is registered, appointments are scheduled on either Zoom or Skype for video consultations besides need-based interactions over the call. The patients are also directed to the nearest possible clinic in case the issue remains unresolved due to complications. One can also find out more information about “e-Dentist by Clove” on the website,  


“In such times as this pandemic, where every person is worried about their life and scared beyond any normal behaviour; Oral Health takes a back seat and the damage to teeth is irreversible. “Hence, it is paramount that everyone seeks this unique “e-Dentist by Clove” to learn about precautions to maintain our teeth and gums healthy and also to cultivate healthy eating habits,” said Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Dr Vimal Arora, AVSM, Chief Clinical Officer of Clove Dental.


Dr Arora added further, “We must adopt a balanced diet which is not too heavy on both teeth and stomach. Regular exercise, drinking enough water and brushing your teeth twice a day for at least a few minutes is a must to stay oral fit. In addition, use of Inter-dental floss, intra dental brushes and use of Mouth Washes may be a great practice to inculcate. Since oral health determines your overall health, it must be ensured.”


In view of COVID-19 situation, most of the 350 Clove Dental clinics have temporarily suspended operations until 14th April, 2020, while several open as needed to provide urgent care to our patients. Clove Dental has, since inception 9 years ago, followed the highest hygiene and sterilization protocols. Recently, we have added even more rigid quality protocols, patient and staff screening, additional PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), and increased dental surgery fumigation protocols. Patient and Staff safety is one of Clove Dental’s core values since its founding in 2011.